Covariance Matrix Estimation (covmat.jl)

This part of the pipeline dominates the total computational cost. Many of the steps like spectra estimation could have been run on a laptop, but estimating the covariance for the full Planck data vector involves computing $\sim 10^3$ covariance matrix blocks. The covariance matrix involves four fields, and those fields each have a frequency, channel, and map split. We thus need every combination of frequencies $f_1$, $f_2$, $f_3$, $f_4$ for $f_i \in \{ 100, 143, 217 \}$ with channels $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$ for $X_i \in \{T, E\}$, and splits $s_1$, $s_2$, $s_3$, $s_4$ for $s_i \in \{ \mathrm{hm1}, \mathrm{hm2} \}$.

These are the inputs for the command line interface for this script, covmat.jl.

$ julia covmat.jl global.toml f1 f2 f3 f3 X1 X2 X3 X4 s1 s2 s3 s4 --plot

As usual, the --plot argument is optional.


As usual, we need to load up our dependencies and then unpack the command line arguments into variables. We'll keep the freqs, specs, and splits as just arrays of strings for now.

freqs = [ARGS[2], ARGS[3], ARGS[4], ARGS[5]]
specs = [ARGS[6], ARGS[7], ARGS[8], ARGS[9]]
splits = [ARGS[10], ARGS[11], ARGS[12], ARGS[13]]

using TOML
using PowerSpectra
using Healpix
using JLD2
using Plots

As usual, we get some general information from the configuration file specified as the first command line argument.

configfile = ARGS[1]
config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
nside = config["general"]["nside"]
lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
lmax_planck = min(2508, lmax)
run_name = config["general"]["name"]

Change to canonical ordering

The covariance matrix is over fields $F_1$, $F_2$, $F_3$, $F_4$ and represents the covariance between the $\langle F_1, F_2 \rangle$ and $\langle F_3 \times F_4 \rangle$ cross-spectra. However, the covariance matrix is invariant when swapping $F_1 \leftrightarrow F_2$ as well as $F_3 \leftrightarrow F_4$. Under the transformation that swaps the first pair for the second pair (i.e. $F_1 \leftrightarrow F_3$ and $F_2 \leftrightarrow F_4$ simultaneously), the covariance matrix is transposed.

Given these convenient properties, we define a canonical ordering of the fields in a covariance matrix. We insist that no temperature field can ever be after a polarization field in an ordering. Thus, we don't need to implement an expression for a $TETT$ covariance, because it can always be transformed into the canonical $TTTE$ (this example requires a transposition pf the matrix at the end). We'll write a few utility functions to enable these transformations here.

# This utility tests if it's not a temperature channel
ispol(spec_str) = (spec_str == "T") ? 0 : 1

function swap!(specs, freqs, splits, i, j)
    specs[i], specs[j] = specs[j], specs[i]
    freqs[i], freqs[j] = freqs[j], freqs[i]
    splits[i], splits[j] = splits[j], splits[i]

# canonical form: T as far left as possible

    canonical!(specs, freqs, splits)

Given four fields, described by length-4 arrays of specs (T, E), freqs, and splits,
modify these input arrays so they are in the canonical ordering, i.e. with
temperature fields before polarization.

### Arguments:
- `specs`: array of four strings, containing "T" and "E" elements
- `freqs`: array of four frequencies
- `splits`: array of four choices of data split

### Returns:
- `Boolean`: some canonical orderings are a matrix transpose of the inputs. If this
    function returns true, then one needs to perform this transposition.
function canonical!(specs, freqs, splits)
    transposed = false

    if sum(ispol.(specs[1:2])) > sum(ispol.(specs[3:4]))
        swap!(specs, freqs, splits, 1, 3)
        swap!(specs, freqs, splits, 2, 4)
        transposed = true
    if specs[1] == "E" && specs[2] == "T"
        swap!(specs, freqs, splits, 1, 2)
    if specs[3] == "E" && specs[4] == "T"
        swap!(specs, freqs, splits, 3, 4)

    return transposed

We re-arrange the specs, freqs, and splits spectra so they are in the canonical ordering. We save whether we need to transpose the result.

transposed = canonical!(specs, freqs, splits)
@show specs freqs splits transposed

# convenience names since we looking for covariance between AB and CD spectra
specAB = Symbol(specs[1]*specs[2])
specCD = Symbol(specs[3]*specs[4])
@show specAB specCD

Next, we need to create dictionaries that contain the fruits of our labors from earlier parts of the pipeline. These include the theory spectra, the ratio of the noise power spectrum to the white noise power spectrum.

# store info needed for covariance calculations
spectra = Dict{SpectrumName, SpectralVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}()
noiseratios = Dict{SpectrumName, SpectralVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}()
identity_spectrum = SpectralVector(ones(lmax+1));

The point source holes in the Planck likelihood maps are not sufficiently apodized, which causes problems in the covariance matrix estimation. Recall that we ran signal-only simulations in signalsim.jl so that we could correct for them here. We read in the correction curve estimated in corrections.jl for those simuulations, for use in the covariance matrix.

function extend_signal(s::Vector{T}, nside) where T
    lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
    es = SpectralVector(zeros(T, lmax+1))
    for ℓ ∈ 0:min(length(s) - 1, lmax)
        es[ℓ] = s[ℓ+1]
    return es

function get_correction(freq1, freq2, spec)
    spec_str = string(spec)
    if parse(Float64, freq1) > parse(Float64, freq2)
        freq1, freq2 = freq2, freq1
        spec_str = reverse(spec_str)
    correction_path = joinpath(config["scratch"], "point_source_corrections")
    correction_file = joinpath(correction_path, "$(freq1)_$(freq2)_$(spec_str)_corr.dat")
    correction_gp = readdlm(correction_file)[:,1]
    correction_gp[1:3] .= 0.0
    return extend_signal(correction_gp, nside)
get_correction (generic function with 1 method)

We want to supply the ratios of the noise power spectrum and the white noise power spectrum. To do that, we need to read in the estimates of the white noise power spectrum that were obtained from the maps.

function whitenoiselevel(config, freq::String, split::String)
    whitenoisefile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "whitenoise.dat")
    df =, DataFrame)
    for row in 1:nrow(df)
        if (string(df[row,:freq]) == freq) && (string(df[row,:split]) == split)
            return df[row, :noiseT], df[row, :noiseP]
    throw(ArgumentError("freq and split combo missing from white noise file"))
whitenoiselevel (generic function with 1 method)

We save the noise power spectrum models in terms of parameters of the smooth model fit. We use the expression from CamSpec.

@. camspec_model(ℓ, α) =  α[1] * (100. / ℓ)^α[2] + α[3] * (ℓ / 1000.)^α[4] / ( 1 + (ℓ / α[5])^α[6] )^α[7]
camspec_model (generic function with 1 method)

Now to put it all together. We need to put all of this information into our various dictionaries.

ells = collect(0:(lmax))
coefficientpath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "noise_model_coeffs")
beampath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "beams")

# loop over combinations and put stuff into the dictionaries
for (f1, s1) in zip(freqs, splits)
    for (f2, s2) in zip(freqs, splits)
        f1_name = "P$(f1)hm$(s1)"
        f2_name = "P$(f2)hm$(s2)"
        signal, theory_dict = signal_and_theory(f1, f2, config)

        WlTT = util_planck_beam_Wl(f1, "hm"*s1, f2, "hm"*s2, :TT, :TT;
            lmax=lmax, beamdir=beampath)
        WlTE = util_planck_beam_Wl(f1, "hm"*s1, f2, "hm"*s2, :TE, :TE;
            lmax=lmax, beamdir=beampath)
        WlEE = util_planck_beam_Wl(f1, "hm"*s1, f2, "hm"*s2, :EE, :EE;
            lmax=lmax, beamdir=beampath)

        spectra[(:TT, f1_name, f2_name)] = extend_signal(signal["TT"], nside) .* WlTT .*
            sqrt.(1 .+ get_correction(f1, f2, "TT"))
        spectra[(:TE, f1_name, f2_name)] = extend_signal(signal["TE"], nside) .* WlTE .*
            sqrt.(1 .+ get_correction(f1, f2, "TE"))
        spectra[(:EE, f1_name, f2_name)] = extend_signal(signal["EE"], nside) .* WlEE .*
            sqrt.(1 .+ get_correction(f1, f2, "EE"))

        if f1_name == f2_name
            whitenoiseT, whitenoiseP = whitenoiselevel(config, f1, s1)
            coeffTT = readdlm(joinpath(coefficientpath, "$(run_name)_$(f1)_TT_hm$(s1).dat"))[:,1]
            coeffEE = readdlm(joinpath(coefficientpath, "$(run_name)_$(f1)_EE_hm$(s1).dat"))[:,1]
            nlTT = camspec_model(ells, coeffTT)
            nlEE = camspec_model(ells, coeffEE)
            ratioTT = SpectralVector(nlTT ./ whitenoiseT)
            ratioEE = SpectralVector(nlEE ./ whitenoiseP)
            ratioTT[0:1] .= 1.0
            ratioEE[0:1] .= 1.0
            noiseratios[(:TT, f1_name, f2_name)] = sqrt.(ratioTT)
            noiseratios[(:EE, f1_name, f2_name)] = sqrt.(ratioEE)
            noiseratios[(:TT, f1_name, f2_name)] = identity_spectrum
            noiseratios[(:EE, f1_name, f2_name)] = identity_spectrum

fnames = ["P$(freq)hm$(split)" for (freq, split) in zip(freqs, splits)]

if "--plot" ∈ ARGS
    plot(noiseratios[(:TT, fnames[1], fnames[1])].parent, label="$(freqs[1]) hm1 TT")
    plot!(noiseratios[(:EE, fnames[1], fnames[1])].parent, label="$(freqs[1]) hm1 EE",
        ylim=(0.0,2), xlim=(0,200), size=(600,300))

Each of the four fields involved with the covariance matrix involves a polarized map, with associated mask and variance map. These are packed toegether in the CovField struct in PowerSpectra.jl.

# pack all the information that the covmat needs into a structure
function loadcovfield(freq, split)
    # read maskT, maskP, covariances
    mapid = "P$(freq)hm$(split)"
    maskfileT = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid)_maskT.fits")
    maskfileP = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid)_maskP.fits")
    mapfile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "maps", config["map"][mapid])
    maskT = readMapFromFITS(maskfileT, 1, Float64)
    maskP = readMapFromFITS(maskfileP, 1, Float64)
    covII = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 5, Float64)) * 1e12
    covQQ = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 8, Float64)) * 1e12
    covUU = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 10, Float64)) * 1e12
    return CovField(mapid, maskT, maskP, PolarizedHealpixMap(covII, covQQ, covUU))

fields = [loadcovfield(freqs[i], splits[i]) for i in 1:4];

Next, we need to compute the mode-coupling matrices. These are multiplied with the covariance matrices in order to correct for the effects of the mask, just like in the case of the spectra.

# compute mode-coupling matrices
mcm_type_AB = (specAB == :EE) ? :M⁺⁺ : specAB
mcm_type_CD = (specCD == :EE) ? :M⁺⁺ : specCD

@time M₁₂ = mcm(mcm_type_AB, fields[1], fields[2])
@time M₃₄ = mcm(mcm_type_CD, fields[3], fields[4]);

# compute mode-coupled covariance matrix
workspace = CovarianceWorkspace(fields...);
@time C = coupledcov(Symbol(specs[1]*specs[2]), Symbol(specs[3]*specs[4]),
    workspace, spectra, noiseratios)

# this is the product of A and B pixel windows
function spec2pixwin(XY::Symbol, nside)
    pixwinT, pixwinP = pixwin(nside; pol=true)
    pixwinP[1:2] .= 1.0
    pX = (first(string(XY)) == 'T') ? pixwinT : pixwinP
    pY =  (last(string(XY)) == 'T') ? pixwinT : pixwinP
    return SpectralVector(pX .* pY)

pixwinAB = spec2pixwin(specAB, nside)
pixwinCD = spec2pixwin(specCD, nside)
1025-element PowerSpectra.SpectralVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}} with indices 0:1024:

Next, we need decouple the modes from the effect of the mask, correct for the instrumental beam and pixel window function, and then finally bin the covariance matrix.

# load binnings
binfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "../", "input", "binused.dat")
P, lb = util_planck_binning(binfile; lmax=lmax)
beampath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "beams")

C₀ = decouple_covmat(C, M₁₂, M₃₄)
WlAB = util_planck_beam_Wl(freqs[1], "hm"*splits[1], freqs[2], "hm"*splits[2], specAB, specAB;
    lmax=lmax, beamdir=beampath)
WlCD = util_planck_beam_Wl(freqs[3], "hm"*splits[3], freqs[4], "hm"*splits[4], specCD, specCD;
    lmax=lmax, beamdir=beampath)

for l1 in 0:lmax
    for l2 in 0:lmax
        C₀[l1, l2] /= WlAB[l1] * WlCD[l2] * pixwinAB[l1] * pixwinCD[l2]

Cbb = P * parent(C₀) * (P')

# transpose if needed, from turning into the canonical form
if transposed
    Cbb = Array(transpose(Cbb))

spectrapath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "rawspectra")
covpath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "covmatblocks")

covmat_filename = joinpath(covpath, join(specs) * "_" *
    join(freqs) * "_" * join(splits) * ".jld2")
@save covmat_filename Cbb