White Noise Levels (whitenoise.jl)
This file estimates the amplitude of the noise power spectrum from the pixel variance map, under the assumption that the noise is white. We want to compute
\[N_{\ell}^{\mathrm{white}} = \frac{1}{\sum_p m_p^2} \sum_p \sigma_{II}^2 \Omega_p m_p^2\]
where $m_p$ is mask at pixel $p$, $\Omega_p$ is the pixel area, and $\sigma_{II}^2$ is the pixel variance.
$ julia whitenoise.jl example.toml
We first need to do the usual setup steps. We read the command-line arguments and load the packages we need.
configfile = first(ARGS)
# setup data
using Plots
using PowerSpectra
using Healpix
using TOML
using CSV
using DataFrames
config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
nside = config["general"]["nside"]
run_name = config["general"]["name"]
spectrapath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "rawspectra")
lmax = min(2508,nside2lmax(nside))
npix = nside2npix(nside)
Ωp = 4π / npix
Next, we loop over each half-mission frequency map, and estimate the white noise power spectrum.
df = DataFrame(freq = String[], split = String[], noiseT = Float64[], noiseP = Float64[])
for freq ∈ ("100", "143", "217"), split ∈ ("1", "2")
mapid = "P$(freq)hm$(split)"
maskfileT = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid)_maskT.fits")
maskfileP = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid)_maskP.fits")
mapfile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "maps", config["map"][mapid])
maskT = readMapFromFITS(maskfileT, 1, Float64)
maskP = readMapFromFITS(maskfileP, 1, Float64)
covII = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 5, Float64)) * 1e12
covQQ = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 8, Float64)) * 1e12
covUU = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 10, Float64)) * 1e12
N_white_T = sum(maskT.pixels.^2 .* (covII.pixels) .* Ωp) ./ (sum(maskT.pixels.^2))
N_white_P = sum(maskP.pixels.^2 .* (covUU.pixels + covQQ.pixels) .* Ωp) ./ (2 * sum(maskP.pixels.^2))
push!(df, (freq, split, N_white_T, N_white_P))
Finally, we save this all to a CSV.
csvfile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "whitenoise.dat")
CSV.write(csvfile, df)
Let's inspect the values that we saved.
6 rows × 4 columns
freq | split | noiseT | noiseP | |
String | String | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 100 | 1 | 0.0010657 | 0.00247447 |
2 | 100 | 2 | 0.00101353 | 0.00236897 |
3 | 143 | 1 | 0.000208373 | 0.000965448 |
4 | 143 | 2 | 0.000192703 | 0.000884953 |
5 | 217 | 1 | 0.000409274 | 0.00216815 |
6 | 217 | 2 | 0.000369819 | 0.00190465 |