Utilities (util.jl)

Unlike every other file in the pipeline, this file is not intended to be run directly. Instead, include this in other files. These utilities provide an interface to the Planck data products, namely

  1. binning matrix
  2. beam $W_{\ell}^{XY} = B_{\ell}^X B_{\ell}^{Y}$
  3. foreground model cross-spectra
  4. $\texttt{plic}$ reference covariance matrix and reference spectra, for comparison plots
using PowerSpectra
using DataFrames, CSV
using DelimitedFiles
using LinearAlgebra
using FITSIO

Planck Binning

Planck bins the spectra at the very end, and applies an $\ell (\ell+1)$ relative weighting inside the bin. This utility function generates the binning operator $P_{b\ell}$ such that $C_b = P_{b \ell} C_{\ell}$. It also returns the mean of the left and right bin edges, which is what is used when plotting the Planck spectra.

    util_planck_binning(binfile; lmax=6143)

Obtain the Planck binning scheme.

### Arguments:
- `binfile::String`: filename of the Planck binning, containing left/right bin edges

### Keywords
- `lmax::Int=6143`: maximum multipole for one dimension of the binning matrix

### Returns:
- `Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}`: returns (binning matrix, bin centers)
function util_planck_binning(binfile; lmax=6143)
    bin_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(binfile;
        header=false, delim=" ", ignorerepeated=true))
    lb = (bin_df[:,1] .+ bin_df[:,2]) ./ 2
    P = binning_matrix(bin_df[:,1], bin_df[:,2], ℓ -> ℓ*(ℓ+1) / (2π); lmax=lmax)
    return P, lb[1:size(P,1)]

Planck Beam

The Planck effective beams are azimuthally-averaged window functions induced by the instrumental optics. This utility function reads the Planck beams from the RIMO, which are of the form TT_2_TT, TT_2_EE etc. Conventionally, the Planck spectra are stored with the diagonal of the beam-mixing matrix applied.

\[C_{\ell} = W^{-1}_{\ell} \hat{C}_{\ell}\]

    util_planck_beam_Wl([T::Type=Float64], freq1, split1, freq2, split2, spec1_, spec2_;
        lmax=4000, beamdir=nothing)

Returns the Planck beam transfer of [spec1]_to_[spec2], in Wl form.

### Arguments:
- `T::Type=Float64`: optional first parameter specifying numerical type
- `freq1::String`: frequency of first field
- `split1::String`: split of first field (i.e. hm1)
- `freq2::String`: frequency of first field
- `split2::String`: split of second field (i.e. hm2)
- `spec1_`: converted to string, source spectrum like TT
- `spec2_`: converted to string, destination spectrum

### Keywords
- `lmax=4000`: maximum multipole
- `beamdir=nothing`: directory containing beam FITS files. if nothing, will fall back to
        the PowerSpectra.jl beam files.

### Returns:
- `SpectralVector`: the beam Wl, indexed 0:lmax
function util_planck_beam_Wl(T::Type, freq1, split1, freq2, split2, spec1_, spec2_;
                        lmax=4000, beamdir=nothing)
    if isnothing(beamdir)
        @warn "beam directory not specified. switching to PowerSpectra.jl fallback"
        beamdir = PowerSpectra.planck256_beamdir()
    spec1 = String(spec1_)
    spec2 = String(spec2_)

    if parse(Int, freq1) > parse(Int, freq2)
        freq1, freq2 = freq2, freq1
        split1, split2 = split2, split1
    if (freq1 == freq2) && ((split1 == "hm2") && (split2 == "hm1"))
        split1, split2 = split2, split1

    fname = "Wl_R3.01_plikmask_$(freq1)$(split1)x$(freq2)$(split2).fits"
    f = FITS(joinpath(beamdir, "BeamWf_HFI_R3.01", fname))
    Wl = convert(Vector{T}, read(f[spec1], "$(spec1)_2_$(spec2)")[:,1])
    if lmax < 4000
        Wl = Wl[1:lmax+1]
        Wl = vcat(Wl, last(Wl) * ones(T, lmax - 4000))
    return SpectralVector(Wl)
util_planck_beam_Wl(T::Type, freq1, split1, freq2, split2, spec1; kwargs...) =
    util_planck_beam_Wl(T, freq1, split1, freq2, split2, spec1, spec1; kwargs...)
util_planck_beam_Wl(freq1::String, split1, freq2, split2, spec1, spec2; kwargs...) =
    util_planck_beam_Wl(Float64, freq1, split1, freq2, split2, spec1, spec2; kwargs...)
util_planck_beam_Wl (generic function with 3 methods)

Planck Likelihood Specifics

The Planck likelihood uses a specific choice of spectra and multipole ranges for those spectra. We provide some utility functions to retrieve a copy of the spectra order and the multipole minimum and maximum for those spectra.

plic_order() = (
    (:TT,"100","100"), (:TT,"143","143"), (:TT,"143","217"), (:TT,"217","217"),
    (:EE,"100","100"), (:EE,"100","143"), (:EE,"100","217"), (:EE,"143","143"),
    (:EE,"143","217"), (:EE,"217","217"),
    (:TE,"100","100"), (:TE,"100","143"), (:TE,"100","217"), (:TE,"143","143"),
    (:TE,"143","217"), (:TE,"217","217")

const plic_ellranges = Dict(
    (:TT, "100", "100") => (30, 1197),
    (:TT, "143", "143") => (30, 1996),
    (:TT, "143", "217") => (30, 2508),
    (:TT, "217", "217") => (30, 2508),
    (:EE, "100", "100") => (30, 999),
    (:EE, "100", "143") => (30, 999),
    (:EE, "100", "217") => (505, 999),
    (:EE, "143", "143") => (30, 1996),
    (:EE, "143", "217") => (505, 1996),
    (:EE, "217", "217") => (505, 1996),

    (:TE, "100", "100") => (30, 999),
    (:TE, "100", "143") => (30, 999),
    (:TE, "100", "217") => (505, 999),
    (:TE, "143", "143") => (30, 1996),
    (:TE, "143", "217") => (505, 1996),
    (:TE, "217", "217") => (505, 1996),

    (:TT, "100", "143") => (30, 999),   # not used
    (:TT, "100", "217") => (505, 999),  # not used

function get_plic_ellrange(spec::Symbol, freq1, freq2)
    if spec ∈ (:TE, :ET)
        if parse(Float64, freq1) > parse(Float64, freq2)
            freq1, freq2 = freq2, freq1
        return plic_ellranges[:TE, freq1, freq2]
    return plic_ellranges[spec, freq1, freq2]
get_plic_ellrange (generic function with 1 method)

Signal Spectra

The covariance matrix calculation and and signal simulations require an assumed signal spectra. We use the same foreground spectra as used in the $\text{plic}$ likelihood. This returns dictionaries for signal and theory $C_{\ell}$ in $\mu\mathrm{K}$ between two frequencies. The data is stored in the plicref directory in the config.

function signal_and_theory(freq1, freq2, config::Dict)
    likelihood_data_dir = joinpath(config["scratch"], "plicref")
    th = read_commented_header(joinpath(likelihood_data_dir,"theory_cl.txt"))
    fg = read_commented_header(joinpath(likelihood_data_dir,

    for (spec, f1, f2) in plic_order()
        lmin, lmax = get_plic_ellrange(spec, f1, f2)
        const_val = fg[lmax-1,"$(spec)$(f1)X$(f2)"]
        # constant foreground level after lmax -- there are fitting artifacts otherwise
        fg[(lmax-1):end, "$(spec)$(f1)X$(f2)"] .= const_val

    # loop over spectra and also fill in the flipped name
    freqs = ("100", "143", "217")
    specs = ("TT", "TE", "ET", "EE")
    for f1 in freqs, f2 in freqs, spec in specs
        if "$(spec)$(f1)X$(f2)" ∉ names(fg)
            if "$(reverse(spec))$(f2)X$(f1)" ∈ names(fg)
                fg[!, "$(spec)$(f1)X$(f2)"] = fg[!, "$(reverse(spec))$(f2)X$(f1)"]
                fg[!, "$(spec)$(f1)X$(f2)"] = zeros(nrow(fg))

    ap(v) = vcat([0., 0.], v)
    ell_fac = fg[!, "l"] .* (fg[!, "l"] .+ 1) ./ (2π);
    signal_dict = Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}()
    theory_dict = Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}()

    for XY₀ in specs  ## XY₀ is the spectrum to store
        f₁, f₂ = parse(Int, freq1), parse(Int, freq2)
        if f₁ <= f₂
            XY = XY₀
        else  ## swap what we're looking for, as fg data only has those cross-spectra
            XY = XY₀[2] * XY₀[1]
            f₁, f₂ = f₂, f₁
        if XY == "ET"
            theory_cl_XY = th[!, "TE"] ./ (th[!, "L"] .* (th[!, "L"] .+ 1) ./ (2π))
            theory_cl_XY = th[!, XY] ./ (th[!, "L"] .* (th[!, "L"] .+ 1) ./ (2π))
        fg_cl_XY = fg[!, "$(XY)$(f₁)X$(f₂)"] ./ (fg[!, "l"] .* (fg[!, "l"] .+ 1) ./ (2π))

        signal_dict[XY₀] =  ap(theory_cl_XY .+ fg_cl_XY[1:2507])
        theory_dict[XY₀] =  ap(theory_cl_XY)
    return signal_dict, theory_dict
signal_and_theory (generic function with 1 method)

Planck $\texttt{plic}$ Reference

In various parts of the pipeline, we want to compare our results to the official 2018 data release. These routines load them from disk. They're automatically downloaded to the plicref directory specified in the configuration TOML.


Stores the spectra and covariances of the reference plic analysis.

struct PlanckReferenceCov{T}

function PlanckReferenceCov(plicrefpath)
    ellspath = joinpath(plicrefpath, "vec_all_spectra.dat")
    clpath = joinpath(plicrefpath, "data_extracted.dat")
    covpath = joinpath(plicrefpath, "covmat.dat")
    keys = ["TT_100x100", "TT_143x143", "TT_143x217", "TT_217x217", "EE_100x100",
        "EE_100x143", "EE_100x217", "EE_143x143", "EE_143x217", "EE_217x217", "TE_100x100",
        "TE_100x143", "TE_100x217", "TE_143x143", "TE_143x217", "TE_217x217"]
    cov = inv(readdlm(covpath))
    ells = readdlm(ellspath)[:,1]
    cls = readdlm(clpath)[:,2]

    subarray_indices = collect(0:(size(cov,1)-2))[findall(diff(ells) .< 0) .+ 1] .+ 1
    sub_indices = [1, subarray_indices..., length(cls)+1]
    key_ind = 1:length(keys)
    key_index_dict = Dict(keys .=> key_ind)

    return PlanckReferenceCov{Float64}(cov, ells, cls, keys, sub_indices, key_index_dict)

    get_subcov(pl::PlanckReferenceCov, spec1, spec2)

Extract the sub-covariance matrix corresponding to spec1 × spec2.

### Arguments:
- `pl::PlanckReferenceCov`: data structure storing reference covmat and spectra
- `spec1::String`: spectrum of form i.e. "TT_100x100"
- `spec2::String`: spectrum of form i.e. "TT_100x100"

### Returns:
- `Matrix{Float64}`: subcovariance matrix
function get_subcov(pl::PlanckReferenceCov, spec1, spec2)
    i = pl.key_index_dict[spec1]
    j = pl.key_index_dict[spec2]
    return pl.cov[
        pl.sub_indices[i] : (pl.sub_indices[i + 1] - 1),
        pl.sub_indices[j] : (pl.sub_indices[j + 1] - 1),

    extract_spec_and_cov(pl::PlanckReferenceCov, spec1)

Extract the reference ells, cl, errorbar, and sub-covariance block for a spectrum × itself.

### Arguments:
- `pl::PlanckReferenceCov`: data structure storing reference covmat and spectra
- `spec1::String`: spectrum of form i.e. "TT_100x100"

### Returns:
- `(ells, cl, err, this_subcov)`
function extract_spec_and_cov(pl::PlanckReferenceCov, spec1)
    i = pl.key_index_dict[spec1]
    this_subcov = get_subcov(pl, spec1, spec1)
    ells = pl.ells[pl.sub_indices[i]:(pl.sub_indices[i + 1] - 1)]
    cl = pl.cls[pl.sub_indices[i]:(pl.sub_indices[i + 1] - 1)]
    err = sqrt.(diag(this_subcov))
    return ells, cl, err, this_subcov