configfile = ARGS[1]

SLURM Commands for Spectra (slurmgen.jl)

This command generates SLURM commands that executes rawspectra.jl on all the pairs of maps in the config.

# this file just prints out the SLURM commands required to compute the spectra
using TOML
config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
Dict{String, Any} with 7 entries:
  "poleff"  => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>0.9995, "P143hm1"=>0.999, "P217hm1"…
  "map"     => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R3.01…
  "maskT"   => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-tempe…
  "general" => Dict{String, Any}("name"=>"example", "nside"=>256)
  "scratch" => "/home/zack/planck256/"
  "maskP"   => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-polar…
  "url"     => Dict{String, Any}("beams"=>"…

Let's generate the commands we need for likelihood spectra.

mapids = [k for k in keys(config["map"])]
cmd = "sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd"
for i in 1:length(mapids)
    for j in i:length(mapids)
        println("$(cmd) \"julia src/rawspectra.jl $(configfile) $(mapids[i]) $(mapids[j])\"")
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P100hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P143hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P143hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P217hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P100hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm1 P217hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P143hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P143hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P217hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P100hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P217hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm2 P143hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm2 P217hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm2 P100hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm2 P217hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P217hm1 P217hm1"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P217hm1 P100hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P217hm1 P217hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm2 P100hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P100hm2 P217hm2"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P217hm2 P217hm2"

I just paste these in and wait a few hours. The resulting spectra are deposited in the scratch dir in the config.

Fit Noise Model

These SLURM commands fit the raw spectra with the camspec noise model.

# loop over freqs and noise channels
for freq in ("100", "143", "217")
    for spec in ("TT", "EE")
        println("$(cmd) \"julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl $(configfile) $(freq) $(spec)\"")

sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 100 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 100 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 143 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 143 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 217 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/fitnoisemodel.jl example.toml 217 EE"

Generating Signal-Only Simulations

These SLURM commands correct the covariances for the insufficiently-apodized point source holes.

# loop over freqs and noise channels
cmd = "sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd"
freqs = ("100", "143", "217")
for i in 1:3
    for j in i:3
        for spec in ("TT", "TE", "ET", "EE")
            freq1, freq2 = freqs[i], freqs[j]
            println("$(cmd) \"julia src/signalsim.jl $(configfile) $(freq1) $(freq2) $(spec) 5000\"")

sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 100 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 100 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 100 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 100 EE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 143 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 143 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 143 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 143 EE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 217 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 217 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 217 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 100 217 EE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 143 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 143 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 143 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 143 EE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 217 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 217 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 217 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 143 217 EE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 217 217 TT 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 217 217 TE 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 217 217 ET 5000"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/signalsim.jl example.toml 217 217 EE 5000"

Fit Signal-Only Simulation Corrections

These SLURM commands correct the covariances for the insufficiently-apodized point source holes.

# loop over freqs and noise channels
freqs = ("100", "143", "217")
for i in 1:3
    for j in i:3
        for spec in ("TT", "TE", "ET", "EE")
            freq1, freq2 = freqs[i], freqs[j]
            println("$(cmd) \"julia src/corrections.jl $(configfile) $(freq1) $(freq2) $(spec)\"")

function unique_splits(X, Y, f1, f2)
    if (X == Y) && (f1 == f2)
        return [(1,2)]
    elseif (X==Y) && (f1 != f2)
        return [(1,2), (2,1)]
        return [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)]

using Test
using Base.Iterators

@test unique_splits("T", "T", "100", "100") == [(1,2)]
@test unique_splits("T", "E", "100", "100") == [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)]
@test unique_splits("T", "T", "100", "143") == [(1,2), (2,1)]
@test unique_splits("E", "E", "100", "143") == [(1,2), (2,1)]
@test unique_splits("T", "E", "100", "143") == [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)]

specs = (
    (:TT,"100","100"), (:TT,"143","143"), (:TT,"143","217"), (:TT,"217","217"),
    (:EE,"100","100"), (:EE,"100","143"), (:EE,"100","217"), (:EE,"143","143"),
    (:EE,"143","217"), (:EE,"217","217"),
    (:TE,"100","100"), (:TE,"100","143"), (:TE,"100","217"), (:TE,"143","143"),
    (:TE,"143","217"), (:TE,"217","217"),
    (:ET,"100","143"), (:ET,"100","217"), (:ET,"143","217")  # combined with TE in plic

constituents = []

for spec in specs
    AB, f1, f2 = spec
    A, B = string(AB)
    for (s1, s2) in unique_splits(A, B, f1, f2)
        push!(constituents, (A, B, f1, f2, s1, s2))

run_name = config["general"]["name"]
cmd = "sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd"
scriptpath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "scripts")
open(joinpath(scriptpath, "$(run_name)"), "w") do f
    nspecs = length(constituents)

    # generate the upper triangle
    for i1 in 1:nspecs
        for i2 in i1:nspecs
            A, B, f1, f2, s1, s2 = constituents[i1]
            C, D, f3, f4, s3, s4 = constituents[i2]
            write(f, "$(cmd) \"julia src/covmat.jl $(configfile) $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $A $B $C $D $s1 $s2 $s3 $s4\"\n")

sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 100 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 100 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 100 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 100 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 143 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 143 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 143 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 143 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 217 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 217 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 217 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 100 217 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 143 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 143 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 143 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 143 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 217 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 217 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 217 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 143 217 EE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 217 217 TT"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 217 217 TE"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 217 217 ET"
sbatch scripts/8core2hr.cmd "julia src/corrections.jl example.toml 217 217 EE"