Raw Spectra (rawspectra.jl)
The first step in the pipeline is simply to compute the pseudo-spectrum between the maps $X$ and $Y$. We define the pseudo-spectrum $\widetilde{C}_{\ell}$ as the result of the estimator on spherical harmonic coefficients of the masked sky,
\[\widetilde{C}_{\ell} = \frac{1}{2\ell+1} \sum_m a^{i,X}_{\ell m} a^{j,Y}_{\ell m}.\]
Since we mask the galaxy and point sources, this is a biased estimate of the underlying power spectrum. The mask couples modes together, and also removes power from parts of the sky. This coupling is described by a linear operator $\mathbf{M}$, the mode-coupling matrix. For more details on spectra and mode-coupling, please refer to the documentation for PowerSpectra.jl. If this matrix is known, then one can perform a linear solve to obtain an unbiased estimate of the underlying power spectrum $C_{\ell}$,
\[\langle\widetilde{C}_{\ell}\rangle = \mathbf{M}^{XY}(i,j)_{\ell_1 \ell_2} \langle {C}_{\ell} \rangle,\]
This script performs this linear solve, without accounting for beams. The noise spectra are estimated from the difference of auto- and cross-spectra, The command-line syntax for using this component to compute mode-coupled spectra is
$ julia rawspectra.jl global.toml [map1] [map2]
and [map2]
must be names of maps described in global.toml.
This page shows the results of running the command
$ julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P143hm2
The first step is just to unpack the command-line arguments, which consist of the TOML config file and the map names, which we term channels 1 and 2.
configfile, mapid1, mapid2 = ARGS
4-element Vector{String}:
File Loading and Cleanup
We start by loading the necessary packages.
using TOML
using Healpix
using PowerSpectra
using Plots
config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
Dict{String, Any} with 7 entries:
"poleff" => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>0.9995, "P143hm1"=>0.999, "P217hm1"…
"map" => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R3.01…
"maskT" => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-tempe…
"general" => Dict{String, Any}("name"=>"example", "nside"=>256)
"scratch" => "/home/zack/planck256/"
"maskP" => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-polar…
"url" => Dict{String, Any}("beams"=>"https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/P…
For both input channels, we need to do some pre-processing steps.
- We first load in the $I$, $Q$, and $U$ Stokes vectors, which are FITS columns 1, 2, and 3 in the Planck map files. These must be converted from nested to ring ordered, to perform SHTs.
- We read in the corresponding masks in temperature and polarization.
- We zero the missing pixels in the maps, and also zero the corresponding pixels in the masks.
- We convert from $\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{CMB}}$ to $\mu \mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{CMB}}$.
- Apply a small polarization amplitude adjustment, listed as
in the config. - We also remove some noisy pixels with $\mathrm{\sigma}(Q) > 10^6\,\mu\mathrm{K}^2$ or $\mathrm{\sigma}(U) > 10^6\,\mu\mathrm{K}^2$, or if they are negative. This removes a handful of pixels in the 2018 maps at 100 GHz which interfere with covariance estimation.
- Estimate and subtract the pseudo-monopole and pseudo-dipole.
"""Return (polarized map, maskT, maskP) given a config and map identifier"""
function load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid, maptype=Float64)
# read map file
println("Reading ", config["map"][mapid])
mapfile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "maps", config["map"][mapid])
polmap = PolarizedHealpixMap(
nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 1, maptype)), # I
nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 2, maptype)), # Q
nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 3, maptype))) # U
# read maskT and maskP
maskfileT = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", config["maskT"][mapid])
maskfileP = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", config["maskP"][mapid])
maskT = readMapFromFITS(maskfileT, 1, maptype)
maskP = readMapFromFITS(maskfileP, 1, maptype)
# read Q and U pixel variances, and convert to μK
covQQ = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 8, maptype)) .* 1e12
covUU = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 10, maptype)) .* 1e12
# identify missing pixels and also pixels with crazy variances
for p in eachindex(maskT)
if (polmap.i[p] < -1.6e30) | (covQQ[p] > 1e6) | (covUU[p] > 1e6) |
(covQQ[p] < 0) | (covUU[p] < 0)
maskT[p] = 0.
maskP[p] = 0.
# go from KCMB to μKCMB, and apply polarization factor
poleff = config["poleff"][mapid]
scale!(polmap, 1e6, 1e6 * poleff) # apply 1e6 to (I) and 1e6 * poleff to (Q,U)
# fit and remove pseudo-monopole/dipole in I
monopole, dipole = fitdipole(polmap.i * maskT)
subtract_monopole_dipole!(polmap.i, monopole, dipole)
return polmap, maskT, maskP
We'll use this function for the half-missions involved here.
m₁, maskT₁, maskP₁ = load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid1)
m₂, maskT₂, maskP₂ = load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid2)
plot(m₁.i, clim=(-200,200)) # plot the intensity map
if "--plot" ∈ ARGS
plot(maskT₁) # show the temperature mask
run_name = config["general"]["name"]
function save_if_needed(mapobj, mapfile)
if isfile(mapfile) == false
saveToFITS(mapobj, mapfile)
save_if_needed(maskT₁, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)_maskT.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskP₁, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)_maskP.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskT₂, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid2)_maskT.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskP₂, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid2)_maskP.fits"))
Computing Spectra and Saving
Once you have cleaned up maps and masks, you compute the calculation is described in PowerSpectra - Mode Coupling. That package has a utility function master
that performs the full MASTER calculation on two $IQU$ maps with associated masks.
# do the mode coupling on all T, E, and B spectra
Cl = master(m₁, maskT₁, maskP₁,
m₂, maskT₂, maskP₂)
nside = maskT₁.resolution.nside # get the resolution from any of the maps
lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
println(keys(Cl)) # check what spectra were computed
[:TB, :BE, :TT, :EB, :TE, :BT, :EE, :BB, :ET]
The PowerSpectra.jl package has the Planck bestfit theory and beams as utility functions, for demo and testing purposes. We can use it that for plotting here.
if "--plot" ∈ ARGS
spec = :TT
Wl = PowerSpectra.planck_beam_Wl("143", "hm1", "143", "hm2", spec, spec; lmax=lmax)
pixwinT = SpectralVector(pixwin(nside)[1:(lmax+1)])
ell = eachindex(Wl)
prefactor = ell .* (ell .+ 1) ./ (2π)
plot( prefactor .* Cl[spec] ./ (Wl .* pixwinT.^2),
label="\$D_{\\ell}\$", xlim=(0,2nside))
theory = PowerSpectra.planck_theory_Dl()
plot!(theory[spec], label="theory $(spec)")
Now we save our spectra.
# set up spectra path
using CSV, DataFrames
spectrapath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "rawspectra")
# assemble a table with the ells and spectra
df = DataFrame()
df[!,:ell] = eachindex(Cl[first(keys(Cl))])
for spec in keys(Cl)
df[!,spec] = parent(Cl[spec])
CSV.write(joinpath(spectrapath, "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)x$(mapid2).csv"), df)