Raw Spectra (rawspectra.jl)

The first step in the pipeline is simply to compute the pseudo-spectrum between the maps $X$ and $Y$. We define the pseudo-spectrum $\widetilde{C}_{\ell}$ as the result of the estimator on spherical harmonic coefficients of the masked sky,

\[\widetilde{C}_{\ell} = \frac{1}{2\ell+1} \sum_m a^{i,X}_{\ell m} a^{j,Y}_{\ell m}.\]

Since we mask the galaxy and point sources, this is a biased estimate of the underlying power spectrum. The mask couples modes together, and also removes power from parts of the sky. This coupling is described by a linear operator $\mathbf{M}$, the mode-coupling matrix. For more details on spectra and mode-coupling, please refer to the documentation for PowerSpectra.jl. If this matrix is known, then one can perform a linear solve to obtain an unbiased estimate of the underlying power spectrum $C_{\ell}$,

\[\langle\widetilde{C}_{\ell}\rangle = \mathbf{M}^{XY}(i,j)_{\ell_1 \ell_2} \langle {C}_{\ell} \rangle,\]

This script performs this linear solve, without accounting for beams. The noise spectra are estimated from the difference of auto- and cross-spectra, The command-line syntax for using this component to compute mode-coupled spectra is

$ julia rawspectra.jl global.toml [map1] [map2]

[map1] and [map2] must be names of maps described in global.toml.

This page shows the results of running the command

$ julia src/rawspectra.jl example.toml P143hm1 P143hm2

The first step is just to unpack the command-line arguments, which consist of the TOML config file and the map names, which we term channels 1 and 2.

configfile, mapid1, mapid2 = ARGS
4-element Vector{String}:

File Loading and Cleanup

We start by loading the necessary packages.

using TOML
using Healpix
using PowerSpectra
using Plots
config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
Dict{String, Any} with 7 entries:
  "poleff"  => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>0.9995, "P143hm1"=>0.999, "P217hm1"…
  "map"     => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R3.01…
  "maskT"   => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-tempe…
  "general" => Dict{String, Any}("name"=>"example", "nside"=>256)
  "scratch" => "/home/zack/planck256/"
  "maskP"   => Dict{String, Any}("P100hm1"=>"nside256_COM_Mask_Likelihood-polar…
  "url"     => Dict{String, Any}("beams"=>"https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/P…

For both input channels, we need to do some pre-processing steps.

  1. We first load in the $I$, $Q$, and $U$ Stokes vectors, which are FITS columns 1, 2, and 3 in the Planck map files. These must be converted from nested to ring ordered, to perform SHTs.
  2. We read in the corresponding masks in temperature and polarization.
  3. We zero the missing pixels in the maps, and also zero the corresponding pixels in the masks.
  4. We convert from $\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{CMB}}$ to $\mu \mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{CMB}}$.
  5. Apply a small polarization amplitude adjustment, listed as poleff in the config.
  6. We also remove some noisy pixels with $\mathrm{\sigma}(Q) > 10^6\,\mu\mathrm{K}^2$ or $\mathrm{\sigma}(U) > 10^6\,\mu\mathrm{K}^2$, or if they are negative. This removes a handful of pixels in the 2018 maps at 100 GHz which interfere with covariance estimation.
  7. Estimate and subtract the pseudo-monopole and pseudo-dipole.
"""Return (polarized map, maskT, maskP) given a config and map identifier"""
function load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid, maptype=Float64)
    # read map file
    println("Reading ", config["map"][mapid])
    mapfile = joinpath(config["scratch"], "maps", config["map"][mapid])
    polmap = PolarizedHealpixMap(
        nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 1, maptype)),  # I
        nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 2, maptype)),  # Q
        nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 3, maptype)))  # U

    # read maskT and maskP
    maskfileT = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", config["maskT"][mapid])
    maskfileP = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", config["maskP"][mapid])
    maskT = readMapFromFITS(maskfileT, 1, maptype)
    maskP = readMapFromFITS(maskfileP, 1, maptype)

    # read Q and U pixel variances, and convert to μK
    covQQ = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 8, maptype)) .* 1e12
    covUU = nest2ring(readMapFromFITS(mapfile, 10, maptype)) .* 1e12

    # identify missing pixels and also pixels with crazy variances
    for p in eachindex(maskT)
        if (polmap.i[p] < -1.6e30) | (covQQ[p] > 1e6) | (covUU[p] > 1e6) |
                (covQQ[p] < 0) | (covUU[p] < 0)
            maskT[p] = 0.
            maskP[p] = 0.

    # go from KCMB to μKCMB, and apply polarization factor
    poleff = config["poleff"][mapid]
    scale!(polmap, 1e6, 1e6 * poleff)  # apply 1e6 to (I) and 1e6 * poleff to (Q,U)

    # fit and remove pseudo-monopole/dipole in I
    monopole, dipole = fitdipole(polmap.i * maskT)
    subtract_monopole_dipole!(polmap.i, monopole, dipole)

    return polmap, maskT, maskP

We'll use this function for the half-missions involved here.

m₁, maskT₁, maskP₁ = load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid1)
m₂, maskT₂, maskP₂ = load_maps_and_masks(config, mapid2)
plot(m₁.i, clim=(-200,200))  # plot the intensity map
if "--plot" ∈ ARGS
    plot(maskT₁)  # show the temperature mask
run_name = config["general"]["name"]
function save_if_needed(mapobj, mapfile)
    if isfile(mapfile) == false
        saveToFITS(mapobj, mapfile)

save_if_needed(maskT₁, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)_maskT.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskP₁, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)_maskP.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskT₂, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid2)_maskT.fits"))
save_if_needed(maskP₂, joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid2)_maskP.fits"))

Computing Spectra and Saving

Once you have cleaned up maps and masks, you compute the calculation is described in PowerSpectra - Mode Coupling. That package has a utility function master that performs the full MASTER calculation on two $IQU$ maps with associated masks.

# do the mode coupling on all T, E, and B spectra
Cl = master(m₁, maskT₁, maskP₁,
            m₂, maskT₂, maskP₂)
nside = maskT₁.resolution.nside  # get the resolution from any of the maps
lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
println(keys(Cl))  # check what spectra were computed
[:TB, :BE, :TT, :EB, :TE, :BT, :EE, :BB, :ET]

The PowerSpectra.jl package has the Planck bestfit theory and beams as utility functions, for demo and testing purposes. We can use it that for plotting here.

if "--plot" ∈ ARGS
    spec = :TT
    Wl = PowerSpectra.planck_beam_Wl("143", "hm1", "143", "hm2", spec, spec; lmax=lmax)
    pixwinT = SpectralVector(pixwin(nside)[1:(lmax+1)])
    ell = eachindex(Wl)
    prefactor = ell .* (ell .+ 1) ./ (2π)
    plot( prefactor .*  Cl[spec] ./ (Wl .* pixwinT.^2),
        label="\$D_{\\ell}\$", xlim=(0,2nside))
    theory = PowerSpectra.planck_theory_Dl()
    plot!(theory[spec], label="theory $(spec)")

Now we save our spectra.

# set up spectra path
using CSV, DataFrames
spectrapath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "rawspectra")

# assemble a table with the ells and spectra
df = DataFrame()
df[!,:ell] = eachindex(Cl[first(keys(Cl))])
for spec in keys(Cl)
    df[!,spec] = parent(Cl[spec])

CSV.write(joinpath(spectrapath, "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)x$(mapid2).csv"), df)