Signal Sims (signalsim.jl)

This script runs signal-only simulations, and then computes spectra from those simulations after applying and then correcting for the mode-coupling of the mask. The point-source holes in the Planck likelihood masks are insufficiently apodized, which violates an assumption in the estimation of analytic covariance matrices. We wish to correct for these, so we generate a bunch of simulations and compare the analytic and sample covariance.

$ julia signalsim.jl example.toml 143 143 TT 10


We set up various information we'll need later.

configfile, freq1, freq2, spec, nsims = ARGS

using TOML
using Plots
using Healpix
using JLD2, UUIDs  # for saving sim arrays

config = TOML.parsefile(configfile)
nside = config["general"]["nside"]
run_name = config["general"]["name"]
spectrapath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "rawspectra")
lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
lmax_planck = min(2508, lmax)
splits = "1", "2"  # planck never uses any other splits
("1", "2")

Next, we prepare the input signal used to generate these simulations.

signal11, th = signal_and_theory(freq1, freq1, config)
signal12, th = signal_and_theory(freq1, freq2, config)
signal22, th = signal_and_theory(freq2, freq2, config)
signal = Dict(("1", "1") => signal11, ("1", "2") => signal12, ("2", "2") => signal22)
Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}} with 3 entries:
  ("1", "1") => Dict("TE"=>[0.0, 0.0, 5.9497, 2.75092, 1.47458, 0.848417, 0.513…
  ("2", "2") => Dict("TE"=>[0.0, 0.0, 5.9497, 2.75092, 1.47458, 0.848417, 0.513…
  ("1", "2") => Dict("TE"=>[0.0, 0.0, 5.9497, 2.75092, 1.47458, 0.848417, 0.513…

We'll store it in a nice array for access later, when simulating.

𝐂 = zeros(2, 2, lmax+1)
X, Y = spec
inds = 1:(lmax_planck+1)
𝐂[1,1,inds] .= signal[splits[1], splits[1]][X * X][inds]
𝐂[1,2,inds] .= signal[splits[1], splits[2]][X * Y][inds]
𝐂[2,1,inds] .= signal[splits[1], splits[2]][X * Y][inds]
𝐂[2,2,inds] .= signal[splits[2], splits[2]][Y * Y][inds];

Next, we pre-allocate some structures that we'll re-use between simulation iterations.

m1 = PolarizedHealpixMap{Float64, RingOrder}(nside)
m2 = PolarizedHealpixMap{Float64, RingOrder}(nside)
a1 = [Alm(lmax, lmax) for i in 1:3]
a2 = [Alm(lmax, lmax) for i in 1:3]

X, Y = Symbol(spec[1]), Symbol(spec[2])
run_name = config["general"]["name"]
masktype1 = (X == :T) ? "T" : "P"
masktype2 = (Y == :T) ? "T" : "P"
mapid1 = "P$(freq1)hm$(splits[1])"
mapid2 = "P$(freq2)hm$(splits[2])"

We'll apply the likelihood masks to the simulations.

maskfile1 = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid1)_mask$(masktype1).fits")
maskfile2 = joinpath(config["scratch"], "masks", "$(run_name)_$(mapid2)_mask$(masktype2).fits")
mask1 = readMapFromFITS(maskfile1, 1, Float64)
mask2 = readMapFromFITS(maskfile2, 1, Float64)
786432-element Healpix.HealpixMap{Float64, Healpix.RingOrder, Vector{Float64}}:

Next, we generate the mode-coupling matrix.

if spec == "EE"
    @time M = mcm(:EE_BB, map2alm(mask1), map2alm(mask2))
    @time M = mcm(Symbol(X,Y), map2alm(mask1), map2alm(mask2))
768×768 PowerSpectra.SpectralArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}} with indices 0:767×0:767:
 0.357017     0.000339814  0.117123     …  5.82069e-8   6.06314e-8
 0.000113271  0.403866     0.000583344     6.33065e-8   2.91225e-8
 0.0234246    0.000350006  0.40473         3.81753e-8   3.99319e-8
 0.000118934  0.0396167    0.000479359     4.59394e-8   3.06201e-8
 0.00554131   0.000281181  0.0425235       3.50858e-8   3.82861e-8
 7.35616e-5   0.00889793   0.000390126  …  4.13823e-8   3.08056e-8
 0.000819861  0.000186638  0.0101736       3.36894e-8   3.68819e-8
 5.24848e-5   0.00145335   0.000267823     3.92369e-8   3.07226e-8
 0.000190965  0.000135968  0.00189866      3.38087e-8   3.60675e-8
 3.89563e-5   0.000503389  0.000183988     3.84517e-8   3.14946e-8
 ⋮                                      ⋱               
 4.42576e-11  1.24982e-10  2.24952e-10     0.000462722  0.00145018
 4.02641e-11  1.33532e-10  2.07558e-10  …  0.0034615    0.000462718
 4.47635e-11  1.21595e-10  2.26e-10        0.000559024  0.00346148
 4.07986e-11  1.36792e-10  2.03646e-10     0.0159192    0.000559021
 4.64303e-11  1.22919e-10  2.22768e-10     0.000701606  0.0159192
 4.1147e-11   1.34284e-10  1.99117e-10     0.0537571    0.000701603
 4.30947e-11  1.18671e-10  2.14969e-10  …  0.000740051  0.053757
 3.79693e-11  1.23887e-10  1.24512e-10     0.395218     0.00074005
 3.94993e-11  5.69169e-11  1.30071e-10     0.000739086  0.395218

We write a function that does one iteration of this signal-only simulation and then estimates spectra from it.

# map T,E,B => 1,2,3
channelindex(X) = findfirst(first(X), "TEB")

function sim_iteration(𝐂, m1, m2, a1, a2, M, spec::String)
    # get indices of the spectrum
    c₁, c₂ = channelindex(spec[1]), channelindex(spec[2])

    # zero out alms
    for i in 1:3
        fill!(a1[i].alm, 0.0)
        fill!(a2[i].alm, 0.0)

    # synthesize polarized spectrum into m1
    synalm!(𝐂, [a1[c₁], a2[c₂]])
    alm2map!(a1, m1)
    alm2map!(a2, m2)

    # same signal, but different masks
    mask!(m1, mask1, mask1)
    mask!(m2, mask2, mask2)

    # subtract monopole if TT
    if spec[1] == 'T'
        monopole, dipole = fitdipole(m1.i * mask1)
        subtract_monopole_dipole!(m1.i, monopole, dipole)
    if spec[2] == 'T'
        monopole, dipole = fitdipole(m2.i * mask2)
        subtract_monopole_dipole!(m2.i, monopole, dipole)

    # apply pixel weights and then map2alm
    map2alm!(m1, a1; niter=0)
    map2alm!(m2, a2; niter=0)

    if spec == "EE"
        pCl_EE = SpectralVector(alm2cl(a1[c₁], a2[c₂]))
        pCl_BB = SpectralVector(zeros(length(pCl_EE)))
        @spectra Cl_EE, Cl_BB = M \ [pCl_EE; pCl_BB]
        return Cl_EE

    # otherwise easy mode coupling
    pCl_XY = SpectralVector(alm2cl(a1[c₁], a2[c₂]))
    return M \ pCl_XY
sim_iteration (generic function with 1 method)

Let's take a look at a simulated spectrum. Note the deviation at $\ell > 2n_{\mathrm{side}}$. This is due to pixelization, and is unimportant. For example, in the full Planck analysis we would expect to start seeing these problems at $\ell \sim 2n_{\mathrm{side}} = 4096$.

if "--plot" in ARGS
    @time simTT = sim_iteration(𝐂, m1, m2, a1, a2, M, "TT")
    plot(simTT .* eachindex(simTT).^2, label="sim")
    plot!(signal12["TT"][1:(lmax_planck+1)] .* eachindex(0:lmax_planck).^2,
        xlim=(0,lmax_planck), label="input")

This script generates many simulations. We'll run this for nsims iterations and then save the spectra to disk.

simpath = joinpath(config["scratch"], "signalsims", "$(freq1)_$(freq2)_$(spec)")

for sim_index in 1:parse(Int,nsims)
    @time cl = sim_iteration(𝐂, m1, m2, a1, a2, M, spec)
    @save "$(simpath)/$(uuid4()).jld2" cl=cl
  0.884230 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.890548 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.944940 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.926235 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.923195 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.927628 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.930783 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  1.149752 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB, 19.04% gc time)
  0.938677 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)
  0.976039 seconds (10.64 k allocations: 31.740 MiB)